B1 speaking pictures. And 'large' still sounds better than 'big' even for B1.
B1 speaking pictures por Redbusteachers. At The Airport. KeeleyJane. por Glendaumza. Las imágenes que utilizan para el speaking B1 tienen unas cosas en común, son en color y muestran a personas realizando actividades cotidianas. 013439. mutxamel. y. B1 Preliminary Reading Sample Test 1 answer key. Candidates can opt to use standard or enlarged visuals, written prompts (enlarged) or written prompts B1 Speaking Pictures Namen generieren und Verfügbarkeit prüfen. In particular, they show the use of technology in education. Let’s see. Dec 16, 2019 · Cómo ya expliqué en la megaguía actualizada del Speaking del B1 de Cambridge (cambios de 2020), el examen de Speaking del PET se compone de 4 partes bien diferenciadas, y entre ellas se encuentra la parte 2, en la que debes describir una foto en inglés. 2 DOCTOR GRAMMAR EXAMS GAMES GAMIFICATION GOTTA READ IT GOTTA WATCH IT LISTENING COMPREHENSION MEDIATION ORAL SKILLS ORAL SKILLS 1B2 PODCASTS SPEAKING THE RAIN IN SPAIN In Part 2, the examiner describes a situation, and you and your partner talk about it for 2–3 minutes. 474 resultados para 'speaking b1' Speaking questions - Simple Present Rueda aleatoria. Crée des noms cools et uniques basés sur ton nom, surnom, personnalité, mots-clés. 2. Time required: 60 minutes Materials required: Sample task Speaking B1 photos. This follows on from my previous post, where I shared tips for helping students to do well in B1 Speaking Part 2. Estos son los ejercicios de speaking de nivel B1 que necesitas para preparar y practicar tu examen de inglés de nivel B1. Talk for all the time you are given. B1 Speaking Test - Photograph description Describing a picture is part of your Cambridge English Preliminary. For each topic there are 2 worksheets in which 1 student compares to photographs and answers a question related Describir una foto en inglés es una habilidad fundamental en la prueba oral (Speaking) de los exámenes B1 Preliminary for Schools y B1 Preliminary. Many people would say they look scruffy. ¡Por suerte no tendras que describir una foto de la I guerra mundial en blanco y negro! 1. First (FCE) Speaking Part 2 Example. Ejercicio para practicar la parte 2 del speaking de los exámenes de inglés B1 PET de Cambridge y Aptis General. The goal is to describe the picture without guessing too much. In the first one, we can see find fast food, and in the second, we can see some dishes with healthy food. There are some very common words that are OK for A1 or A2 levels but you should change these now for B1. PET Speaking Questions Part 1 with sound - PET SPEAKING - Speaking PET - B1 Preliminary Speaking Part 2 - PET Prepositions with time The goal is to describe the picture without guessing too much. Good morning/afternoon/evening. B1-Speaking-Fashion - Speaking B1 - Prepare 5 / Unit 14 - Food Chat - Third conditional Questions B1/B2 - TALK ABOUT IT - B1 speaking - Speaking B1 Apr 20, 2020 · What phrases do the students use to describe the pictures? B1 Preliminary Speaking PART 2. Another idea is describing what you see in front of you while waiting somewhere. The time is (insert the time). Do: Look at your picture carefully and take a few moments to think before you start talking. A. W h a t a r e s o m e p r o s a n d c o n s o f t r a v e l l i Fashion (B1) These pictures are related to fashion and clothes. 1 b2 b2 (low) b2. All photographs relate to the same topic. - ANIMALS Crea mejores lecciones de forma más rápida Here, you have a full Speaking test. Durante el examen de Speaking tendrás que mantener una conversación con un examinador durante 13 minutos. Erstelle coole Namen basierend auf deinem Namen, Spitznamen, Persönlichkeit oder Keywords. The exam date is (insert the full date). Circle the correct words, complete sentences, describe photos and answer examiner's questions. So, why use this resource? It allows learners to improve their vocabulary, fluency, and speaking skills for the B1 Cambridge Preliminary exam. They ¿Cómo son las fotos del B1 del Speaking? Las fotos que te van a enseñar van a ser en color, precisamente para que puedas describir todo tipo de detalles de la imagen. Dec 12, 2021 · The questions were inspired by an authentic speaking script and range from asking about family celebrations and traditions to talking about the best Christmas presents. your own answers. Speaking B1 Cartas al azar. La parte de speaking de cualquier examen de inglés busca medir tu capacidad para expresarte en inglés de forma natural, por lo que debes hablar con normalidad, sin querer meter con calzador expresiones que no dominas y que interrumpan el flujo normal del habla. Candidates can opt to use standard or enlarged visuals, written prompts (enlarged) or written prompts which have been brailled. Find out what to expect in each part of the exam and how to answer the questions. The examiner gives you some pictures to help you, for example to make and respond to suggestions, make recommendations, ask for and give opinions, reach an agreement, etc. Related Posts. B. The house in photo A is right by the beach. Limítate a describir cuántas personas Learn how to prepare for the B1 Preliminary (PET) speaking exam with exercises, explanations and downloads. 3. Description of the lesson . In these photos, we can see different ways of. Incorporar. This should be a short answer (approximately 30 seconds). En el Speaking B1 part 2, te pedirán que hables sobre una foto durante un minuto como máximo. 000+ resultados para 'speaking pictures' Pictures for speaking Cartas al azar. EXAM PART: Speaking. Most popular. by Weronika Ostachowska. Also to identify and practise some useful language for B1 Preliminary Speaking Part 3. Interaction between you and you partner is essential in PET Speaking Part 3. Can I have your mark sheets, please? ¿Por qué nos parece importante repasar que sucede en el speaking B1 part 1? Porque, además de que todo cuenta para sumar nota, esta parte consiste en un calentamiento que te ayudará a perder los nervios. Jan 22, 2025 · SPEAKING PICTURES for exams - B1 to C1. whereas in the second. Besides, when it comes to the printed question(s), you could also be asked to talk about how and why the people in the photographs might be feeling. B1 Speaking Test - V. Jun 15, 2022 · This pre-intermediate conversation worksheet consists of five speaking activities which can be used as fillers or warm-up tasks. b1-b2. There are two photos with suggested phrases to give your students. helenwest1. At A2 level, the word 'large'. B1 - Speaking Pictures Bagikan oleh Glendaumza. The post will show you different sheets with questions related to this topic. Ejemplos de Speaking B1 EOI. All-time. Students look at a Part 2 photograph and brainstorm what they can say about it. In Speaking Part 2, the examiner gives each student … A. EXAM SKILLS: Discourse management, describing a picture, using a range of language appropriate for the level (B1) TIME: 15 minutes + extra practice. Check here if you need to know how to describe a picture are looking for the perfect PET speaking part 2 plan. If you have Cambridge PET exam preparation groups, I’ve got something just for you! Don’t waste time and get your students working on their speaking skills from day one. Tell the story of th. GATE Candidate Guide to Speaking Exams 2023 Top Tips for the B1 Speaking Part 1 At B1 level, the focus of this task is on describing the picture and giving as much detail about the picture as possible. Atualmente, este ranking é particular. org/exams/exam- B1 speaking Game Code: 1744266 English 17 Public speaking. Story telling. Mostrar mais Mostrar menos . Explore a variety of speaking questions and topics for B1 level. In the first photo, the students are using virtual reality headsets, whereas in the second photo, they’re using tablets. Oct 23, 2022 · In this post B1 learners of English will be able to do speaking practice on the topic of Food and Diet. Pictures to describe for Preliminary (PET) Speaking Part 2 2 Comments / B1 , Preliminary (PET) / John Hayward Describing a picture is a common element of almost all Cambridge main suite English exams, but in order to practise, you’ll need pictures to describe. ' Feb 29, 2020 · Learn how to describe a photograph in English: B1 Speaking Test: PET Speaking Part 2, Aptis Speaking Part 2, Yökdil Proficiency - Easy tutorial 🎁 I am offer Dec 21, 2024 · Una de las partes del Speaking en el examen B1 Preliminary (PET) es la de describir imágenes que los examinadores te ceden. Title: B2 DISCUSSION SPEAKING CARDS + PICTURES FREEBIE Author: Speaking Corner by WERONIKA OSTACHOWSKA Keywords: DAFXwzkA81w,BADZoS9xnHA Created Date Sep 13, 2017 · Consejos específicos para el Speaking Part 3 1. B1 - Speaking Pictures Compartilhar de Glendaumza. riahun. Apr 3, 2022 · for the B1 Cambridge test (PET) In some English exams you have to speak or write about photos or pictures. 000+ resultados para 'speaking pictures b1' B1-Speaking-Fashion Cartas al azar. Aquí te damos algunos ejemplos de preguntas típicas que podrías encontrar en la parte 1 del speaking B1 PET Cambridge. Transcript. Travelling by car is the most convenient form of transport. Tampilkan lainnya Tampilkan lebih sedikit . In each part of the Speaking test in B1 Preliminary, there are some useful phrases that you should try to use in order to get higher marks. Use this PowerPoint in your class to practise part 2 of the speaking exam, with some discussion Mar 23, 2024 · SPEAKING PRACTICE: DESCRIBING 3 PICTURESImprove your English with Sara and Terry, INCLUDES ERROR CORRECTIONLivel B1 In some speaking exams you have to talk about photos or pictures. 06/10/18. por Teacherb. The house in photo B is in a fantastic place with lovely views down to the beach. 2 b1. Aug 25, 2018 · Here are some exercises from the Oxford University Press website to practise useful phrases for describing photographs (ie. Use Class PIN to share Baamboozle+ In Part 3 of the Speaking test the candidates are each in turn given a colour photograph and asked to talk about it for up to one minute. Prepare for the B1 Preliminary (PET) exam with our speaking practice. por Stjameslanguages. Describe a photo or picture | LearnEnglish Teens Practice your English speaking skills with photos and questions. g . PET Speaking Part 3 is a collaborative task where you discuss options with your partner. Can I have your mark sheets, please? Photographs for sample Part 3 tasks (plus the same photos on OHT if possible) Instructions for sample Part 3 Aims: to introduce Part 3 to analyse the task, think of suitable language for it and practice the task Procedure 1. Haz click en cada una de las imágenes para descargarlas en PDF: Most Speaking Tests like B1 Preliminary use pictures, photographs or other visuals as a stimulus for interaction. 42660 uses. useful language. B1 In the next part of the test you’re going to talk about something with your partner. In part 2 of the First (FCE) Speaking Exam you will be asked to compare two pictures and to answer a question about those pictures. Adult learners A2 Elementary Pre-intermediate B1 Speaking Past simple. Ey! Si tienes que describir una foto en inglés aquí te sugiero una estructura a seguir, expresiones, ejemplos y tips prácticos para que sea a piece of cake!M Most Speaking Tests like B1 Preliminary for schools use pictures, photographs or other visuals as a stimulus for interaction. PET Speaking Part 4 continues on with the same topic from Part 3, but doesn’t have any visual aid. Pa r t 3 . o. Using the scales yourself during classroom speaking practice tasks will help you to: analyse your students’ strengths and weaknesses when they do B1 Preliminary Speaking tasks Jul 10, 2019 · Cómo es el Speaking B1 Preliminary (Actualizado a 2020) El Speaking del B1 consta de 4 partes, que se diferencian según el tipo de tareas que tienen que hacer los candidatos y según el tipo de habilidad oral que estos tienen que demostrar. pdf - Download as a PDF or view online for free B1 Preliminary for Schools Speaking Part 2 . 000+ resultados para 'speaking b1 photos' B1-Speaking-Fashion Cartas al azar. speaking corner. TIME PERIOD. USEFUL LANGUAGE: GIVE A GENERAL INTRODUCTION 'This picture shows …' 'In this picture I can see' 'This is a picture of …' TALK ABOUT PLACES Browse our range of ESL speaking topics for intermediate level students with a B1 or B2 level who want to improve their English conversation fluency. Now do the speaking task comparing photos C and D. Submit a Comment Cancel reply. For visually-impaired candidates, a special version of the Speaking Test is produced. by Teacherb. In this post, taking the reference from other sites, I would like to introduce some tip and using language for this kind of speaking task. Fashion (B1) These pictures are related to fashion and clothes. Estudia expresiones útiles para interactuar en Part 3 En la página 8 este pdf encontrarás también buena información para preparar el Part 3 y ejemplos de expresiones. Because he talks very quickly, he makes a lot of mistakes Jul 27, 2021 · Look at the pictures above and try to write down what you would answer! 🙂 By the way, below, you can see one sample of the B1 Preliminary – Speaking Exam and one sample of the B1 Preliminary for Schools – Speaking Exam: B1 - Speaking Pictures Compartir por Glendaumza. Pronunciation is always important! He describes the picture until he is stopped. According to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), there are 6 German levels. Use your notes from exercises 5 and 6. Referring to people’s feelings is a must when you are comparing the photographs. Describir en detalle una foto se asemeja a esta habilidad y forma parte como ejercicios speaking b1 de la prueba oral (Speaking) de los exámenes de B1 Preliminary for Schools y B1 Preliminary. 2 b2. Watch Kenza and Mohammed's Part 2 from 2:02 to 4:55. c. Learners can practise their English language writing skills . Apr 1, 2021 · For example, in the pictures above, we can say: THe following pictures show two different views on food. I found my B1 studen. Oct 27, 2023 · The power of strong adjectives in B2 First and C1 Advanced. There are a lot of photographs online. On my blog,… Continue reading Halloween-themed B1 speaking 10. En la parte 2 de la prueba, cada candidato debe hablar durante 1 minuto sobre una foto. minutes (3 minutes for groups of three) Pl a c e . Edit Konten. What the examiner says is shown in italics. Use these pictures to discuss the situation with your partner and make a decision based on the examiner’s instructions. Sport. Master speaking questions and topics to excel in your B1 speaking test. Jan 29, 2020 · The examiner will give you a set of pictures and describe a situation to you. However, in the first. These are expressed as A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, and C2. CONTENIDOS DEL VÍDEOCómo es el B1 Preliminary (PET) Speaking (01:05)Cómo describir una foto paso a paso (02:49)Descripción globalDescripción detallada (05:2 10,000+ results for 'speaking b1' A2 - Tell me more! Speaking cards. IT'S A DIALOGUE. 2 may. The video and tips below will help you to do really well in this type of speaking exam. o n t h e b u s ? 2 . Basándonos en él, hemos creado simulaciones de ejemplos de examen con fotos para practicar y que veas las diferentes preguntas del Speaking B1 EOI. PREPARATION: One copy of the worksheet per student, extra Dec 8, 2020 · Describing a colour picture/photo may be challenging in the B1 PET exam. Under normal circumstances, there are two pictures included in this part. Oct 29, 2017 · TOPIC: Key Speaking Test LEVEL: KET / A2 USEFUL FOR: Key Speaking Test PART 1 – PERSONAL INFORMATION TOPICS: PERSONAL INFORMATION: CAE: Topics, Vocabulary, Grammar LEVEL: C1 TOPICS FOR VOCABULARY AND SKILLS: I have extracted the topics from common course books such as from the Cambridge series. Create cool unique names based on your name, nickname, personality or keywords. She answers giving reasons and ideas. You then need to discuss the options in the pictures with your partner for 2-3 minutes. Nov 9, 2024 · Useful language for the Speaking exam. Clothes and accessories. Suele ser uno de los apartados donde más dificultades suele encontrar la gente y, todo se debe, a que no se tiene claro cómo hacerlo. Our fun and friendly resource, B1 Preliminary (PET) Speaking Part 2 (Halloween), helps students practise their speaking skills with a Halloween theme. 371 uses. Jun 21, 2024 · ¿Cómo es el Speaking B1 part 2 del examen oral de Cambridge? El examen oral de Cambridge B1, también conocido como Preliminary English Test (PET), tiene una sección específica donde se evalúa tu capacidad para describir imágenes. On this page, you will find example speaking tests to help you prepare for the Speaking part of the B1 Preliminary exam. Speaking A2/B1 - Senior 3 & 4 - AACI Cartas al azar. Just type in on your browser B1 Speaking images and, at the push of a button, you’ll have them. PET Speaking Exam - How to Do Part… Generate B1 Speaking Pictures Names and check availability. 10. 000+ resultados para 'speaking b1' A2 - Tell me more! Cartas al azar. m. Complete the plan to de sign the perfect Speaking Part 2 : Ok. is important too 2. x. Papan Peringkat. Answer keys and tapescript: B1 Preliminary Listening Sample 1 answer key. Pause the recording when they have to describe their pictures. Speaking Part One: Interview 2-3 minutes. Speaking - Picture Description Tips. Mostrar más Mostrar menos . Cambridge B1 Preliminary (PET) Speaking - Example Test One Family and friends. Download the pictures In some speaking exams you have to talk about photos or pictures. The common theme in the photos is education. There are also two blank pages with just the photos on for them to make their own notes or suggestions on, or for you to hand to them to practice without the pre-written notes. Don´t panic, take your time and organise your ideas. 1 b2. Están basados en el examen B1 PET de la Universidad de Cambridge pero sirven para para preparar cualquier examen de inglés de nivel B1, sea de la EOI, Aptis, Trinity… B1 Preliminary - Picture description - 5th courses - Picture description - PET - Speaking Picture Description - THE LOUD HOUSE. What is your hobby? 3. Learn English Vocabulary Through Pictures with 150 Topics English Speaking Exercises for B1 with Answers Estos son los ejercicios de SPEAKING que necesitas para preparar y practicar tu examen de inglés nivel B1. docx. Editar conteúdo. Can I have your mark sheets, please? There are two photos. Here is a list of useful vocabulary and expressions for describing pictures or photos for oral/written exams. . 1770 uses B1 Preliminary Digital Writing Sample Test. QUIZ: B1 Preliminary Speaking Exam Parts 1 & 2 Now, test your knowledge of what you learned in the lesson by trying this quiz. Class PIN. You have one minute to complete the task. En general, y de manera similar a otros exámenes de Cambridge, el Speaking del PET tiene las The new B1 Preliminary speaking test, which was introduced in 2020, is similar to the old PET speaking exam, but with some small differences. Jan 21, 2025 · Pictures to describe for Preliminary (PET) Speaking Part 2 05/02/2021 Speaking Describing a picture is a common element of almost all Cambridge main suite English exams, but in order to practise Ejercicio para practicar la parte 2 del speaking de los exámenes de inglés B1 PET de Cambridge y Aptis General. Speaking part 3 of the Cambridge English B1 PET exam). concentrated. Speaker Part 3Making suggestions, agreeing and disagreeing. b1-b2 GA Test of English B1 Speaking Examination Booklet Sample 2023 PLEASE SWITCH ON THE AUDIO RECORDING DEVICE AT THIS STAGE – DO NOT PAUSE OR STOP THE RECORDING DURING THE EXAM Hello, and welcome to the Gatehouse Awards Test of English spoken exam. Your partner will then be asked a question about your pictures. Mais. Enhance your B1 Preliminary (PET) exam preparation with our comprehensive speaking practice. The activities are suitable for a group of students , as well as for a one-on-one class . 3454 uses. b. bo o k l e t , o pe n a t T a s k 2 A , i n f r o nt o f t he c a nd i d a t e s . These two practice tasks are monothematic as they focus on the topic of Places and Jobs, respectively. Watch a video of two students doing the B1 Preliminary for Schools Speaking test here. You can talk about which ideas are good or bad before making a decision about the best option. Both photos show houses. Aquí te explicamos cómo hacer bien esta tarea de nivel B1. Hello, and welcome to another episode and today I'm going to talk about the B1 exam, the Cambridge exam, and more specifically about the speaking exam. Part 3 In some speaking exams you have to talk about photos or pictures. britishcouncil. por Dreamlanguageschool. Part 1 – Familiarise students with B1 Preliminary for Schools Speaking Part 2 Ask students to match the first part of the sentences (1–6) with the end of the sentences (A– F) to find out about B1 Preliminary for Schools Speaking Part 2: 1. O P TIO N A L TA S K 1. por Dvalerio131988. En la parte 2 de esta prueba, cada candidato debe hablar durante 1 minuto sobre una foto. Speaking Exercises B1. Here, you have a full Speaking test. a. Ver más ideas sobre clase de inglés, gramática inglesa, educacion ingles. Tags B1 Preliminary, fun, games, photos, speaking Today, I’m going to share some ideas for playing a game when describing a photo like the ones used in Part 2 of the B1 Preliminary Speaking Test. 1 . PET Speaking: Part 3. Tabla de clasificación. And part two of the speaking exam , which is talking about or describing a picture or photo. Briefly ask students what happens in Parts 1 and 2 of the speaking test and elicit (if they have done May 9, 2022 · Are you preparing for the B1 English test? Learn how to do B1 speaking part 2 (how to describe a picture in English - PET Speaking Part 2, Aptis Speaking Par Jan 30, 2025 · The B1 level exam consists of 4 parts and speaking is one of them. P A R T 3. Ejemplos de nuestra comunidad 10. American English; Speaking: Discussion Topics; Speaking: Picture Description; Short Stories (with audio) Teaching with songs; Clases de español; Verb Tenses 33 Speaking picture prompts English ESL worksheets pdf & doc. EXAMPLE. In Part 2 of the Speaking test, students describe one colour photograph, talking for about 1 minute. If you still haven’t prepared anything for your spooky lessons, then look no further. Mar 10, 2023 · Keep up practising for your individual long turn in Part 2 of the B1 Preliminary Speaking paper. The topic of the photographs is clearly stated by the examiner, for example: ‘I’m going to give each of you a photograph of people having a meal. i. Answer. Can I have your mark sheets, please? 2 Similarities between the photos: English Speaking Exercises for B1 – Photo comparison and discussion; Advertisements. Tambah. This is designed for my B1 students but it could also be used for A2 KET students. We also have 5 complete Preliminary (PET) Speaking exams as part of Breakout English’s premium materials collection. B 1 - C h r i st m as S p e ak i n g Ex am. English Speaking Exercises for B1 – Photo description; English Speaking Exercises for B1 – Photo comparison and role-play; English Speaking Exercises for B1 – Photo comparison; English Speaking Exercises for B1 – Photo comparison and discussion; English Speaking Exercises for B1 – Photo description This online level test will give you an approximate indication of your English proficiency level. I present you with a no-prep PET speaking exam – Halloween edition. Everyday conversatio. look in teenagers The the photo ---> The teenagers in the photo look concentrated. 1, 3, 4. This lesson plan uses the official Cambridge PET speaking exam to… Continue reading First lesson for B1 Cambridge exam preparation 10 000+ результатов для 'speaking pictures' Describing the pictures Speaking Флэш- Speaking Cards All about Me. SORT BY. TIME: 2-5 minutes per picture + feedback. Primero vamos a hablar muy generalmente de lo que hay en la foto. In speaking part 2, each student is asked to describe a photograph for about a minute. Editar contenido Incrustar. PET - Speaking Picture Description - B1 Preliminary - Picture description - Simple Past / Used to - 5th courses - Picture description - THE LOUD HOUSE. VIDEO. Playing a game with photos for B1 Speaking; How to do well in B1 Preliminary Speaking Part 2; Comparing B2 Speaking photos with venn diagrams; Actively preparing for the Cambridge C1 Advanced Speaking… Tips for A2 Flyers Speaking Part 1 Download a B1 Preliminary for Schools sample paper here and record yourself doing a Speaking task. In this post, we’ll look at the topics to expect and the two classic task types in Parts 3 and 4. The tips below will help you to do really well in this type of speaking exam. What is there in the picture?(people, things, animals, places, etc)In the picture I can see There is a/… Dec 14, 2023 · The examiner will describe a situation to you and show you some pictures. You can use the result to help you find online courses or learning content on our website that is appropriate for your English language ability. Sobre trabajo o This resource is aimed at helping students in speaking, pronunciation, fluency and fast thinking in English language. Explore courses 10. 2018 - Explora el tablero de yolanda "B1 LEVEL- SPEAKING" en Pinterest. In this article, we will give help you with German B1 speaking topics. May 6, 2023 · If you're teaching a B1 exam preparation class with adult learners and they need some extra practice with Speaking Part 2 of the Cambridge B1 PET exam, we've got you covered with our ESL Describing Photos Worksheet! This describing pictures ESL adults resource helps learners practise writing about what they see in different pictures. And 'large' still sounds better than 'big' even for B1. Conejos para describir fotos B1 Oct 23, 2022 · Following the big success of my last year’s post on FCE Halloween speaking, I decided to prepare something similar, this time focusing on the B1 level. W h a t s h o u l d n ’ t y o u d o u s i n g p u b l i c t r a n s p o r t , e . But if we can say 'huge' or 'enormous', which mean very big, your level will be B1. Watch the video of two students doing this task on our website. Title: speaking cards b1 FREEBIE Author: Speaking Corner by WERONIKA OSTACHOWSKA Keywords: DAFXGadZ_0A,BADZoS9xnHA Created Date: 9/26/2023 5:32:21 PM Nov 9, 2024 · Useful language for the Speaking exam. The pictures are of everyday things that B1 students should know. PET SPEAKING PART 3: DESCRIBING A PHOTO ( 1 – 1 ½ minutes per candidate) In PART 3 you have to: Talk about a colour photo that the Examiner will provide . Exercise Number: PET257 Practise speaking with your classmates in live group classes, get speaking support from a personal tutor in one-to-one lessons or practise speaking English by yourself at your own speed with a self-study course. Read the question and organise what you want to say. For example, A1 students could use the word 'big'. First, the Interlocutor provides instructions for the task and shows you a series of pictures to get ideas. What do these pictures suggest about people's shopping habits? Personal info 10 If you're teaching a B1 exam preparation class with adult learners and they need some extra practice with Speaking Part 2 of the Cambridge B1 PET exam, we've got you covered with our ESL Describing Photos Worksheet! This describing pictures ESL adults resource helps learners practise writing about what they see in different pictures. To begin with, the photo on the left shows a group of young people wearing eccentric clothes, with a very particular style: most in black, large boots, fishnet stockings. If you are working with a study partner, you can take turns to be the examiner. Part 3. Put the words in order to form the sentences. Why do people need hobbies? Génère B1 Speaking Pictures Noms et vérifie la disponibilité. Speaking. Examples of what you could talk about based on the Sample task: - the guests at the party – their ages, appearance, clothes B1 Speaking (If clause) - Speaking Part 1 (PET for Schools) - Speaking B1 - B1 Speaking-Holidays (Questions) - Speaking A1 - Speaking Describing Pictures PET Exam Speaking activities for students to practice describing photos, scenes and images Share Baamboozle #descriptions #picture description #describe a picture #describing pictures Summer time! Speaking activities: pdf presentation Comparing the pictures: pdf presentation Food B2: pdf presentation Personality & Friendship: pdf presentation B2+/ C1: Expressing Opinion + Choose & Explain: pdf presentation Advanced Vocabulary & Speaking PART 1: pdf presentation Advanced Vocabulary & Speaking PART 2: pdf presentation B1; B2; C1; Adults Beginner level; PRACTICE YOUR EXAM; Grammar Practice Online; Vocabulary Training; Idioms and Idiomatic expressions; Phrasal Verbs; Collocations; British English vs. Even though she makes mistakes, she goes on. Watch two students doing this task at http://learnenglishteens. B1 School Случайные Nov 8, 2023 · Speaking - B1. p. In the third part, you and the other candidate have a conversation to decide something. Learners can practise their English language writing skills Sep 28, 2022 · Here we go again! Another academic year has already started (or is about to begin). Suelen ser situaciones cotidianas, en el que se ven personas haciendo algo relevante, es decir, una acción que puedes explicar fácilmente. The speaking section is divided into FOUR parts and involves both speaking alone and speaking with another candidate. Ten en cuenta que cada examen tiene diferentes características, que es necesario conocer para poder practicar con la prueba de speaking a la que nos vamos a enfrentar el día del examen. The practice exam paper contains two contrasting pictures and description prompts/discussion questions. The examiners look for this type of language because it signals that you are talking in the correct way and that you know what the examiners expect from you. It is the same structure to the B1 and B2 exams in the speaking part 2. Speaking test samples are the same as those provided for the paper-based sample test. Both photos are related to. Describe the picture? 2. 2 c1 c1 c2 CATEGORIES (CONTENT) APPS BITS & PIECES CAN'T STOP THE MUSIC (SONGS) CONVERSATION GAMBITS B1. Mira este ejemplo de examen del Speaking B1 de la EOI (de la junta de Andalucía). Play Study Slideshow Share learntutors 210 Share B1 speaking. Jan 5, 2021 · The format varies, the examination paper can contain a pair of contrasting photos, several photos on the same topic, etc. Oct 4, 2011 · 1b2 2b1 a1 a2 all levels b1 b1+ b1. Preliminary (PET) Speaking Part 2 Plan – Describing a picture . Más. Entertainment and media. Son cuatro secciones y cada uno de ellas tiene un formato de preguntas diferentes para que interacciones de manera distinta. Jan 4, 2022 · Describir una foto es una tarea típica en muchos exámenes orales, incluidos los exámenes Aptis General y Aptis for Teachers. Aug 28, 2022 · Speaking - Picture Description. Examiners use the B1 Level assessment scales to decide which marks to give candidates taking the B1 Preliminary Speaking test. Menyematkan. Ranking. EXAM SKILLS: Describing people, giving information about everyday activities, talking about what people are doing. B1 - Speaking Pictures Abrecajas. B1 Preliminary Listening Sample Test 1 tapescript. B1 Preliminary Speaking Part 3 – Teacher’s notes Description To introduce and practise Part 3 of the Speaking test and to consider what makes a good performance in B1 Preliminary Speaking Part 3. Teaching Online Lesson Notes . fhcnhe rofoop ysbd cjfly lxncg hqpcy ecomogis opy kedh umrd rtsd wudvlg ifibbn lnjatfup dhsba