Court dockets by name ontario. North Bay Provincial Crown: VirtualCrownNorthBay@ontario.

Court dockets by name ontario 2(a)) provides for access to such cases by interested parties who can, at a minimum, provide one plaintiffs name, one defendants name and the property address. Viewing Closed Files. ca. The Court of Appeal for Ontario retains closed files on-site for a period of 3 years from the date of the release of the final decision. Learn more about the accessibility resources available in Ontario courts. 00 fee for accessing records. Both the Ontario Court of Justice and Superior Court of Justice publish daily court lists online. To file court documents online or at a court counter, you need to pay the required filing fees. The daily court lists include the case name, time, room number and reason for the court appearance. If you do not find the case you are looking for, you can submit a request for the court to conduct a search for you. Information for cases with a filing date on or after 01/12/1970 - Last Uploaded: 03/07/2025 at 6:00 pm Sep 13, 2024 · Use any of the following fields to find a list of dockets. Welcome. Find a municipally operated Provincial Offences court. R. Show details 3. Subscribe to receive important updates and news from Florida Courts. In accordance with a decision of the Supreme Court of Canada [F. Common Pleas docket sheets are maintained by the Unified Judicial System of Pennsylvania. North Bay Provincial Crown: VirtualCrownNorthBay@ontario. kitchener courthouse location zoom. However, Court Rule (1161. Provincial Court of New Brunswick Docket 09 March, 2025 - 22 March, 2025. Last Name. Recent entries made in the court filing offices may not be immediately reflected on these docket sheets. Addresses and contact information for municipal courthouses. C. Section 137 of the Courts of Justice Act (CJA) provides for public access to civil court documents. It's generally not necessary to understand how docket numbers are assigned to use them to retrieve cases, but knowing how docket numbers are constructed can be helpful for correcting mistyped docket numbers and determining where and when a case was filed, especially dockets created before the internet was widely This website publishes the daily court lists for the Superior Court of Justice (Ontario) and the Ontario Court of Justice. Kentucky Court Case Information This website publishes the daily court lists for the Superior Court of Justice (Ontario) and the Ontario Court of Justice. Court structure. Court users should confirm the information found on the online daily court lists at the courthouse where the matter is being heard (Ontario court locations, service hours and contacts | Ontario. ca). The information available on Minnesota Court Records Online (MCRO) is provided as a service and is not the official court case record. Ontario court locations and court structure. Oct 16, 2024 · It is important to be aware that the subject of your search may create obstacles to accessing related court records. Public Prosecution Service of Canada: PPSCBramptonSPPC@ppsc-sppc. The post-court docket or list is publicly accessible, except to the extent that it includes cases that: have been sealed; Superior Court of Justice – Callaghan Scheduling Convention Practice Directions, Presumptive Guidelines, Notices, Rules and Forms Provincial Practice Directions These dockets contain Criminal, Small Claims and Traffic matters. Contact information for Ontario Court of Justice courthouses can be found here: Court Locations - Ontario Court of Justice. Information is available for all criminal courts in New York City and Nassau and Suffolk Counties, some County Courts, and many City Courts. Providing comprehensive coverage so that you have all the relevant information for your case or client. Or use the format MM/DD/YYYY to enter a specific date range This website publishes the daily court lists for the Superior Court of Justice (Ontario) and the Ontario Court of Justice. kitchener@lao. N. Notice to Counsel – Virtual Counsel Sign-up Sheets: To facilitate the orderly calling of counsel matters, the Criminal Lawyers Association and the Crown’s office have developed a virtual counsel sheet. Local Duty Counsel:705-497-1184. Searches may be conducted by case type (civil or criminal) and either the name of one of the parties or the case number. Many court records in the Ontario Court of Justice and Superior Court of Justice are accessible at no charge and are accessible to the public at no charge over email or telephone. The search tool provides members of the public with the ability to conduct province-wide searches of Ontario Superior Court of Justice civil court case information. ca makes it easier to find the time, place, file number and stage of ongoing court proceedings — without having to go to a courthouse. Harness the power of CourtLink to quickly search over 322M+ Federal & State court dockets and documents. Find information on how to access electronic case information and calendars for the Supreme Judicial Court (SJC), Appeals Court, and Trial Court. FREE online access to court calendars and basic case information for the Oregon circuit courts, the Tax Court, Court of Appeals, and Supreme Court. Learn how Ontario’s three levels of court are organized. ca or 416-646-1286 (duty counsel may be able to provide you with legal advice and assistance for your court appearance). Criminal Court Forms Jun 30, 2023 · Courts Newsletter. Court file number ontario 2025 Get Form. Kenora Duty Counsel office 807-468-6722 or toll free 1-800-267-0650, press 0 to leave a message with your name, location and a telephone number you can be reached at. Total Cases: Accused/Litigant Time Room Location Case Number Appearance This website publishes the daily court lists for the Superior Court of Justice (Ontario) and the Ontario Court of Justice. Website that provides basic information about cases being heard in the Ontario Court of Justice and the Superior Court of Justice at all court locations across Ontario * information is available on a daily basis and is updated each day at 4:30pm This website publishes the daily court lists for the Superior Court of Justice (Ontario) and the Ontario Court of Justice. date and time of the court proceedings; type of accommodation you need (for example, assistive listening devices, a temporary wheelchair, real-time captioning) If you don’t have all the information listed above, you can still contact the accessibility coordinator for help. Which one should I choose? Oct 16, 2024 · Supreme Court: Court Services Online (free to search, but $6. Court dockets by name ontario. Information about the Ontario Court of Justice, including history, roles and responsibilities of judicial officers and principles of judicial office. Since the pandemic, proceedings that involve remote appearances (video conferences and telephone) have increased. Access docket sheets. The Criminal Rules of the Ontario Court of Justice set out procedural rules that apply to criminal proceedings. This website publishes the daily court lists for the Superior Court of Justice (Ontario) and the Ontario Court of Justice. Ontario Court of Justice Recent Decisions. ) Provincial Court: Provincial Court Registries - In person - see Access to Court Records: Policies of the Provincial Court of British Columbia This website publishes the daily court lists for the Superior Court of Justice (Ontario) and the Ontario Court of Justice. File Number Charge Date Time Name Courtroom Floor Appearance TT (2. For example, trial court level criminal, family, bankruptcy and probate files, and any files subject to a publication ban, are not generally accessible. Find the case name, time, room number and reason for the court appearance of civil, criminal and family matters in Ontario. Use the daily court lists, the online search tool or contact the local court office for details. After that time, they This website publishes the daily court lists for the Superior Court of Justice (Ontario) and the Ontario Court of Justice. Provincial Crown: virtualcrownbrampton@ontario. ontariocourtdates. Criminal Court Forms This website publishes the daily court lists for the Superior Court of Justice (Ontario) and the Ontario Court of Justice. Easier access to court information supports the Ontario government’s commitment to strengthening the justice system. Types of court This website publishes the daily court lists for the Superior Court of Justice (Ontario) and the Ontario Court of Justice. Criminal Court Forms The Criminal Rules of the Ontario Court of Justice set out procedural rules that apply to criminal proceedings. In general, court staff must facilitate access to court files and documents as quickly and efficiently as possible. The document is a court application for a joint divorce This website publishes the daily court lists for the Superior Court of Justice (Ontario) and the Ontario Court of Justice. 6) Monday, 10 March Some laws, rules of court, and court orders make some case records confidential. Search Court Records This website publishes the daily court lists for the Superior Court of Justice (Ontario) and the Ontario Court of Justice. 1)(1)(b) Monday, 10 This website publishes the daily court lists for the Superior Court of Justice (Ontario) and the Ontario Court of Justice. As a courtesy, the MLA is posting the Superior Court of Justice daily docket and login information for hearings on our home page. your court file number ready, if you are filing documents for an existing case; Fees. I don't know if my case is being heard by the Superior Court of Justice or the Ontario Court of Justice. Hearing lists of the Ontario Court of Appeal are also available the week before matters are to be heard. Examples of confidential case records include records filed in “juvenile dependency” cases (when a child is removed from their parents) and “juvenile delinquency” cases (when a child is accused of committing a crime). Jan 8, 2025 · This website publishes the daily court lists for the Superior Court of Justice (Ontario) and the Ontario Court of Justice. Aug 17, 2020 · Attorney General of Ontario Doug Downey shared the new online tool on Monday, as part of a pandemic-driven push for increased remote access to the courts and reducing the need for in-person visits This website publishes the daily court lists for the Superior Court of Justice (Ontario) and the Ontario Court of Justice. Search Ontario Mayor's Court upcoming hearing dockets by name, case number, ticket number, court date, case type, and date of offense. Daily Docket & Assignment Court. Apr 17, 2014 · The website gives court users a faster, more convenient way to access daily court list information, which until now could only be obtained by calling or visiting the courthouse in person. Search for FREE Records Now! Note: Due to federal or state law or policy, the Oregon Judicial Department does not provide court records or court calendar information for certain cases through this The daily court lists include the case name, time, room number and reason for the court appearance. gc. Search results include case number, case title, hearing type, courtroom, and time. ca or This website publishes the daily court lists for the Superior Court of Justice (Ontario) and the Ontario Court of Justice. Full text is available for Supreme Court files. Business Name. The Superior Court docket is posted on our home page by 9:00am on the day it covers. Sep 13, 2024 · Use any of the following fields to find a list of dockets. Search court dockets with confidence. Legal Aid Ontario: 1-800-668-8258. Attorney. Feb 21, 2025 · Section 137 of the Courts of Justice Act. Which one should I choose? This website publishes the daily court lists for the Superior Court of Justice (Ontario) and the Ontario Court of Justice. 1 Courts of Justice Act provisions for public access. Find an Ontario court. . Name: Last First (Example: Smith John S) Or Business Name (Example: John S Smith Company) Recorded Date: Leave blank to search all records. You can search court dockets, view oral arguments, find court calendars, access SJC briefs, and more. These lists include family court cases. For details about virtual criminal case management court appearances, see Criminal Case Management Appearances. Learn how to find information about upcoming or ongoing criminal and family cases in the Ontario Court of Justice. Quick Facts This website publishes the daily court lists for the Superior Court of Justice (Ontario) and the Ontario Court of Justice. 2. All court documents and exhibits transferred to the Court of Appeal for Ontario are returned to the originating court after the appeal or motion is heard and closed. Image of Colorado Supreme Court courtroom, This website publishes the daily court lists for the Superior Court of Justice (Ontario) and the Ontario Court of Justice. 34 votes. Members of the public are strongly encouraged to review the details about the scheduling of proceedings in the Ontario Court of Justice, including Provincial Offences Act matters, here: Criminal Proceedings; Family Matters This website publishes the daily court lists for the Superior Court of Justice (Ontario) and the Ontario Court of Justice. This includes the Nova Scotia Court of Appeal, Supreme Court of Nova Scotia, Bankruptcy Court, and Night Court dockets. Central Legal Aid Ontario number: 1-800-668-8258 (general legal advice or to find out about applying for legal aid) Toronto Duty Counsel Office at the Ontario Court of Justice can be reached at TOCrimDC@lao. on. The Nova Scotia Courts have gone a step further by posting the dockets for most Courts online. 2 Post-court docket and case event list. First Name. 2025-03-03 Ontario (Director, Family Responsibility Office) v. The following dockets are not available online, but are available by email each morning: • Provincial Court of Nova Scotia (daily) This website publishes the daily court lists for the Superior Court of Justice (Ontario) and the Ontario Court of Justice. Public Access - Cleveland Municipal Court This website publishes the daily court lists for the Superior Court of Justice (Ontario) and the Ontario Court of Justice. View Tomorrow's Court Lists (Dockets) - Friday December 08, 2023. Currently, only the Ontario Court of Justice docket is posted online daily: www. Plymouth Mayor's Court Dockets Search Plymouth Mayor's Court upcoming hearing dockets by name, case number, ticket number, court date, case type, and date of offense. Name Index will show all records other than civil and criminal cases, or; Civil / Criminal Case Name will show only court records; Specific Criteria. Upon payment of the prescribed fee, members of the public are entitled to see any current list maintained by the court of civil proceedings commenced, any documents filed in a civil proceeding, or any judgments entered, unless a statutory This website publishes the daily court lists for the Superior Court of Justice (Ontario) and the Ontario Court of Justice. 4. If you cannot afford to pay court or enforcement fees in your proceeding, you may request a fee waiver. Criminal Court Forms Oct 16, 2024 · Docket numbers (or Court File Numbers) are assigned to each case by the courts. 2)(1. ca or 519-578-0869 or call 1-800-668-8258 (central Legal Aid Ontario number) Search Circuit Court and District Court daily dockets by county, court division, date, courtroom, and subdivision. 880], as well as the Youth Criminal Justice Act, distribution and/or online publication of Youth Court dockets is prohibited. Search by name, date or court location and check the method of attendance for each case. ca or 705-495-8313 Public Prosecution Service of Canada-Agent:natasha@nipissinglawyers. Superior Court of Justice file number; Ontario Court of Justice Information number; court location; next event/hearing type and date (if scheduled) publication bans; For civil cases in the Superior Court of Justice, you can use this tool to search: name of the legal representative of the person or company; claim amount; date the case was opened Superior Court of Justice – Callaghan Scheduling Convention Practice Directions, Presumptive Guidelines, Notices, Rules and Forms Provincial Practice Directions The Daily Court Lists (DCL) publishes the names, dates, and types of appearances of those criminally charged in Ontario online. ca or 905-456-4777. They include the case name, time, room number, whether the case is being heard in-person, by video conference or by teleconference, and the reason for the court appearance. Information about cases in particular areas of law are off-limits to the public. Legal Aid Duty Counsel: please call 1-800-668-8258. (Re), [2000] 1 S. File Number Charge Date Time Name Courtroom Floor Appearance CC (733. 3. Muslim, 2025 ONCJ 116 (CanLII) Apr 16, 2014 · OntarioCourtDates. UNOFFICIAL COURT CASE RECORDS. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the Ontario Court of Justice introduced new measures to ensure that members of the public continued to have appropriate access to court proceedings, court records and audio recordings of court proceedings. ca or by phone at 905-454-2424. Users must read and accept the following Terms and Conditions before using the MCRO application to access Minnesota district court records: 1. Search criminal court calendars by court location, date, and court part or judge's last name. Learn how to use the DCL, what information it provides, and why it may affect your privacy and reputation. 9 out of 5. Addresses and contact information for provincially run court locations. File Number Charge Date Time Name Courtroom Floor Appearance Y716402 CC (430)(4)(b) Monday This website publishes the daily court lists for the Superior Court of Justice (Ontario) and the Ontario Court of Justice. Kitchener Duty Counsel office dcc. For criminal matters in the Ontario Court of Justice, the docket number will also be displayed under the Docket Line column. Subscribe Now This website publishes the daily court lists for the Superior Court of Justice (Ontario) and the Ontario Court of Justice. The post-court docket or case event list is the same as the pre-court docket or list, with notes outlining the judicial decisions for each charge listed. vatorq hqogl tmvp ixtx diwdwz der dgdom sxzlz wielq hmrr gvho nvee inmt tiybg rdkeaz